Design Registration

Register Your Design Today

Design Registration

Securing the exclusive rights to your unique industrial designs is a critical step towards safeguarding your intellectual property. With the expert assistance of Rights & Marks, you can confidently navigate the design registration process, protecting your unique creations from unauthorized use. Their comprehensive suite of services encompasses everything from initial consultation to successful registration.

With their support, you can focus on your innovation while they take care of the legalities. By registering your designs, you not only protect your unique creations but also enhance the market value of your products. It’s about ensuring your peace of mind and protecting your creative and commercial interest.

Benefits of Design Registration
  • Legal Protection designs against infringement
  • Exclusive Rights Grant sole ownership
  • Elevates brand uniqueness and appeal
  • Boosts overall business valuation
  • Highlights design innovation and creativity
  • Opens avenues for revenue through licensing
  • Extends protection over internationally
  • Discourages copying and imitation
  • Adds value to the business strategy
  • Safeguards the distinctiveness of designs

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    FAQ of Design Registration 
    Design registration is a process that provides legal protection to the visual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian. This includes designs used in jewelry, clothing, and industrial products. The design must be new, original, and not previously published anywhere globally to be registered.
    Typically, the term of a registered design is 10 years from the date of registration. However, this can vary depending on local legislation, and renewal options are often available.
    Yes, in most jurisdictions, a registered design can be renewed. It’s important to maintain the renewal deadlines to ensure your design remains protected.
    While both offer forms of intellectual property protection, patents usually cover new inventions (process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter), while design registrations protect the unique visual characteristics of a product.
    If someone uses your registered design without your permission, it’s considered an infringement. Legal action can be taken against the infringer, which may result in compensation and a court order to stop further infringement.


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